Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Punter John forum.

As you may know a while back I started up a forum, it was really a test to see if the idea of a punter run site could work, if there was a market for such a site. Punters signed up in their hundreds. Sadly, not many of you contributed content (reviews or discussions). Since I started it I haven't really spent the time on it that it deserved and the recession has been a major distraction. No more. What would convince you, my fellow punters, to contribute?

The problem with EI is now the reviews are subject to even more censorship. Before your review would get published (even if it was censored a bit) now these "moderators" are failing to approve certain reviews. I don't need to tell you that's a conflict of interest.

Here is a link to the forum:

Accounts are free. You can post as much as you'd like for free. Your reviews will never be censored.

You can join discussion free of group think and without the fear that if you post an unpopular opinion you'll be "banned". This is a forum for punters by punters. Escorts are invited, but it is our site.

Escorts: you are invited to post free ads to this community and join discussions... we'd love to have you.

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