Monday, October 27, 2008

It's been a while!

Jaysus, it's been nearly a year sense my last post... sorry lads. First off, my appologies to you, my loyal readers. I have neglected you but allow me to tell you why...

This year I have faced many challenges that have included no less than two job swaps and four house moves! On top of it I have been in a relationship with a (at times) lovely girl and this has taken up much of my time. All of this is no excuse, but I haven't patronized many escorts, most that I have seen I have already seen before and any new escorts that I have seen haven't been worth writing about...

Thing is, with this economy, life has gotten interesting for all of us and I am happy to say that I have heard reports from many punters that escorts are dropping prices and are much more frequently than before offering discounts to punters based on repeat business, finally. Some girls have been doing that all along but it's a marketing technique that is being adopted more and more. However, I have found that the quality is wavering a bit. We're not getting as many escorts as we used to get and I have noticed a steep decline in Eastern European escorts coming to Dublin over the last year but I think that will change. They are coming to the realization that the economy is bad everywhere so you're better off to go where they'll still pay more than the rest of Europe; and that is sadly Ireland. Yes, most punters still haven't gotten wise and driven the price down. These punters are all too happy to pay whatever is asked for a little slap and tickle. They make things hard on the rest of us, but the punters are getting wiser, slowly. The escort scene can be best described as "volatile", just like everything else. 

What advice can I offer you, the cautious punter? The same advice I have always offered. First, only see girls who have gotten positive reviews from reputable punters. Second, don't be afraid to haggle or ask for extras free. Third, be a gentleman you always get more bees with honey than vinegar. Lastly, if you find a good escort don't keep it to yourself let the rest of us know by reviewing on the site or putting up a post in a forum. Also, if you want to eMail me my address is punterjohn at, or you can make a comment to this post.


Anonymous said...

welcome back. Hope the GF doesn't get in the way too much ;-)

Punter John said...
